


New Gel Products Will Help Maintain Hydration and Electrolyte Replacement

Stop By Booth 1523 To Taste Vanilla, Peach, Mango and Watermelon Flavors


FAIRFIELD, CA.. October 5, 2015.. Nutra Products Inc., announced today that it will preview ALKEMY® WATER ELECTROLYTE BOOST GEL and ALKEMY WATER ELECTROLYTE BOOST GEL with CREATINE at the Supply Side West trade show in Las Vegas.

Gretchen Reece, Nutra Product’s president, said, “People who are serious about their athletic and exercise performance are serious about hydration and electrolyte replacement. We are providing a great tasting, convenient way for them to combat fatigue, increase performance by maintaining the right balance of water and electrolytes.

“Our intellectual property is patented and our products are clinically tested. Alkemy™ was shown in a recent clinical study to be preferred, two to one, to the leading sports beverage.

“By adding creatine we are able to: combat fatigue, create lean body mass, and, increase strength during physical activity.

The gel packs come in four great tasting flavors: vanilla, peach, mango and watermelon.

Orders for the products will be taken at the Supply Side West trade show.

Nutra Products, Inc. (NPI) is a science-based marketing company located in northern California that is focused on developing innovative and clinically tested health products. NPI has been providing unique quality based ingredients for the dietary supplement industry since 2002. The team at NPI has over 40 years of combined experience in the food and Nutraceutical arenas.

These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Study finds inadequate hydration among US children


Boston, MA – More than half of all children and adolescents in the U.S. are not getting enough hydration–probably because they’re not drinking enough water–a situation that could have significant repercussions for their physical health and their cognitive and emotional functioning, according to the first national study of its kind from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The study also found racial/ethnic and gender gaps in hydration status. Black children and adolescents were at higher risk of inadequate hydration than whites; boys were at higher risk than girls.

The study appears online June 11, 2015 in the American Journal of Public Health.

“These findings are significant because they highlight a potential health issue that has not been given a whole lot of attention in the past,” said lead author Erica Kenney, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Harvard Chan School. “Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate, dramatic health threat, this is an issue that could really be reducing quality of life and well-being for many, many children and youth.”

Drinking enough water is essential for physiological processes such as circulation, metabolism, temperature regulation, and waste removal. Although excessive dehydration is associated with serious health problems, even mild dehydration can cause issues, including headaches, irritability, poorer physical performance, and reduced cognitive functioning.

The researchers looked at data from 2009-2012 on more than 4,000 children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a study of the health of U.S. children and adults conducted each year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They used urine osmolality–a measure of how concentrated a person’s urine is–to determine whether or not participants were adequately hydrated.

They found that a little more than half of all children and adolescents weren’t getting enough hydration. Boys were 76% more likely than girls, and non-Hispanic blacks were 34% more likely than non-Hispanic whites, to be inadequately hydrated.

Notably, nearly a quarter of the children and adolescents in the study reported drinking no plain water at all.

“The good news is that this is a public health problem with a simple solution,” said senior author Steven Gortmaker, professor of the practice of health sociology. “If we can focus on helping children drink more water–a low-cost, no-calorie beverage–we can improve their hydration status, which may allow many children to feel better throughout the day and do better in school.”


Other Harvard Chan School authors of the study included Angie Cradock, senior research scientist and deputy director of the Harvard Prevention Research Center, and research fellow Michael Long.

This study was supported by Cooperative Agreement No. 1U48DP001946 (including the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Prevention Research Centers Program and a grant in memory of Melvin R. Seiden.

“Prevalence of Inadequate Hydration among US Children and Disparities by Gender and Race/Ethnicity: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2012,” Erica L. Kenney, Michael W. Long, Angie L. Cradock, Steven L. Gortmaker, American Journal of Public Health, online June 11, 2015, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302572.

Visit the Harvard Chan website for the latest news, press releases, and multimedia offerings.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health brings together dedicated experts from many disciplines to educate new generations of global health leaders and produce powerful ideas that improve the lives and health of people everywhere. As a community of leading scientists, educators, and students, we work together to take innovative ideas from the laboratory to people’s lives–not only making scientific breakthroughs, but also working to change individual behaviors, public policies, and health care practices. Each year, more than 400 faculty members at Harvard Chan teach 1,000-plus full-time students from around the world and train thousands more through online and executive education courses. Founded in 1913 as the Harvard-MIT School of Health Officers, the School is recognized as America’s oldest professional training program in public health.

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See the article here:

Get All the Minerals and Electrolytes You Need With All Natural, Zero Calorie, ALKEMY™ WATER

For More Information Contact:
Jeff Nedelman, 703.628.6011
Strategic Communications LLC.

Get All the Minerals and Electrolytes You Need With All Natural, Zero Calorie, ALKEMY™ Water

FAIRFIELD, CA. . May 21, 2015. The calendar says June 21 is the beginning of summer, but for most Americans the summer season begins Memorial Day weekend, when swimming pools open their doors. It’s time to jump in and enjoy.

Coreyann Poly, PhD, MEd, RDN, LDN, CDE, of the Dietitians of New England, tells us, “Summer time is the best time to get outside, be active and get fit, but don’t forget to hydrate. Our body needs water to function properly. Not drinking enough especially when you sweat can lead to dehydration, Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid then you take in and the body doesn’t have enough water and salts to carry out normal body function. Signs and symptoms of dehydration range from mild to severe and include increased thirst, weakness, dizziness, confusion, heart palpitations and fainting. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. I always tell my patients to, ‘drink plenty of fluids’ and during the summer months drink even more.’” Enjoy your summer and stay Hydrated!

Five Tips You Must Know to Stay Hydrated

  1. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day
  2. Drink before, during and after exercise
  3. Drink even more if you are outside during hot and humid weather
  4. Drink a sports beverage, like Alkemy Water, which is a simple formula of purified water with added minerals and electrolytes in a patented process that provides the best hydrating water available! It is an all-natural, zero-calorie, zero sweetener water beverage. Avoid beverages with artificial colors, added sugars and too much salt. For more information:
  5. If you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is colorless or light yellow your fluid intake is probably adequate.

Nutra Products, Inc. (NPI) is a science-based marketing company located in northern California that is focused on developing innovative and clinically tested health products. NPI has been providing unique quality based ingredients for the dietary supplement industry since 2002. The team at NPI has over 40 years of combined experience in the food and Nutraceutical arenas.

These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Nutra Products to Supply Bronson with FAST-C®

For More Information Contact:
Jeff Nedelman, 703.628.6011
Strategic Communications LLC.
New Product Available Online, by Phone and Catalogue Orders Today

FAIRFIELD, CA. . May 12, 2015. Nutra Products Inc., announced today that it will supply its Fast-C ingredient to Bronson for the production of Bronson FAST-C.

Nutra Product’s Fast-C is the only Vitamin C formulation shown in two US clinical studies to be faster absorbed and equally retained than a leading premium Vitamin C supplement. Copies of the studies may be found on the company’s new website at:

The Bronson FAST-C product will be available in vegetarian capsules, in a 60-count bottle.   Each capsule will provide enough Fast-C to provide 250 mg. Vitamin C; thereby providing 500 mg. of Vitamin C in a recommended 2-capsule daily dose.  Also, it is available at: The Bronson order line is: 1-800-235-3200.

The product will be launched in the Bronson May 2015 catalog and will be included in the May 2015 catalog “New Products” section and in the Vitamin C section.  After the May catalog, FAST-C will continually be listed in the Vitamin C section of every new catalog that Bronson produces after May 2015.  Bronson FAST-C will also be continually listed on the Bronson website.

Gretchen Reece, Nutra Product’s president, said, “We are very excited to partner with Bronson, one of the most respected names in nutritional supplementation. We are proud to share our passion for purity, potency and value with a company that is dedicated to providing consumers with the highest quality products, using state-of-the-art manufacturing. Bronson’s products are recommended by more than 25,000 healthcare professionals worldwide.”

Bronson will be offering a special introductory price of $3.49/bottle for a limited time. The regular price for the Bronson FAST-C product will be $6.98/bottle.

Since 1960, Bronson has been providing more than 450 different nutritional supplements and other health products directly to your door. Our mission and focus remains “Better Health Through Nutrition.” You can trust Bronson to provide the very best health products for you and your family.

The Bronson’s website is: For Bronson specific questions, please contact: Grace Lyn Rich at 1-801-443-3060.

Nutra Products, Inc. (NPI) is a science-based marketing company located in northern California that is focused on developing innovative and clinically tested health products. NPI has been providing unique quality based ingredients for the dietary supplement industry since 2002. The team at NPI has over 40 years of combined experience in the food and Nutraceutical arenas.

These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Printer Friendly Version Here: NPI_Bronson_PR_May12

Addendum to 2015 Nutraceutical Garlic Crop Update

Upcoming Changes That Require Planning

We are hearing about upcoming changes to the Nutraceutical Garlic Market that are going to require additional planning for you and for us. The extent of these changes has NOT been fully determined yet.

The Chinese Low Allicin Nutraceutical garlic crop for 2015 is currently being harvested. At this time, growers and processors are experiencing variances in yield of harvested crop according to region. However, we are being warned of an overall low yield harvest where they are experiencing shortages and lower carryover inventories. Smaller carryover inventories means that price increases are to be expected for dehydrated food grade and nutraceutical garlic.

Spain is also experiencing a low garlic crop yield and is likely to increase pricing for their 2015 crop.

California is experiencing one of the worst water droughts in history. Due to this water shortage, the Fresh Garlic Market will be negatively affected. We anticipate that the shortage of fresh garlic will place more pressure on the nutraceutical garlic market.

It is not yet clear how much of an impact the fresh market demand will place on the nutraceutical garlic market at this time, however, we anticipate the impact to become apparent in mid-May.

We feel that the U.S. fresh market garlic crop is expected to be 20-30% short. Overall, we anticipate garlic pricing to increase a minimum of 5-7% in the next 30 days and possibly more as the summer progresses.

What You Can Do

In an effort to ensure that your garlic needs are met, we strongly encourage you to provide us with an as accurate forecast that you can. In this forecast we ask that you include the types of volumes you expect to need and how often you will need to fill them.

With this information, we offer to lock in pricing and avoid additional charges for you.

Printer Friendly Version: Addendum to 2015 Nutraceutical Garlic Crop Update

2015 Nutraceutical Garlic Crop Update

2015 Nutraceutical Garlic Crop Update


The Chinese garlic crop to be harvested in 2015 is in the ground and it appears to be an average crop.  The initial harvest of medium 2000 to 5000 allicin and organic will begin in May 2015 and finish about the middle of August.

The Hi Allicin garlic harvest will begin in September and finish in late November.

All of the other growing areas are committed to fresh market and serving the internal demand for spice packers or retail containers.

Raw Material and Source

Garlic is a day length crop. It requires different amounts of daylight hours to grow and mature. It can grow at different latitudes and longitudes.

Typically garlic is planted in the Fall during the months of August, September and October – depending on the region in which it is grown. Harvesting occurs May through October – cultivation varies by region.

The largest producer of garlic is China, however, garlic also grows in Spain, USA, India, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Europe and the Middle East.  In the US approx. 50% of the production goes to dehydration for spice packers and 50% to the fresh retail market.  There is a definite flavor difference between US White Garlic and the Chinese and other stick garlic types.   There is no Nutraceutical garlic produced in the US or other markets.  Nutraceutical garlic production has all moved to China. It can be activated in other markets with a 2 year program and commitment.

There are many different growing regions in China and other regions. It is a day length crop. The conditions in which the garlic grows in are long, warm, sunny and dry days. China’s harvesting begins in mid to late May. Currently, harvest conditions are good – there is no rain, frost or other weather related conditions that can delay, stunt or cause defects.

Garlic, which is a root crop, is harvested from the ground by using a digger or is hand pulled from the soil. The garlic is then topped by hand and allowed to air dry for approximately two weeks.

Currently Nutra Products, Inc. purchases garlic from China and the USA. We are also developing growers in India and other locations.

We have been working with these regions for several years. Almost 99% of the commercial crop in these areas are exported to Europe or the USA.

We are working on a 2015 China, Mexico and Spain crop for dehydration.

Organic garlic is currently available from China, Spain and the USA. We are sourcing organic garlic from China through certified organic growers and dehydrators.

We can trace our garlic, organic or otherwise, from grower to finished product.


Our manufacturing process consists of beginning with raw garlic that is cracked into cloves, peeled, washed, sliced and dried, with a proprietary process. It is initially in flake form and then milled into granules or powder for further processing utilizing fluid Bed Agglomeration for uniformity. This is a proprietary process by NPI.  It is essential to keep the alliinase enzyme active to insure all of the health benefits are delivered in a finished product.

The raw garlic itself is harvested and processed into dehydrated forms over a 3-4 month period staring mid to late May through October. The granulation of the garlic powder can be continuous.

Manufacturing takes place over a 3-4 month period. Some raw garlic is cold stored and processed later to extend the season. Crop planning cycles and processing is a minimum of 12 months and most often a 24 month activity. Adjustments are made based on yields, recovery and energy, weather and labor costs. Lead time for finished granulation is days against an annual contract where we will keep 2 months of floor stock based on historical purchases.

Productions Costs as % of Total

  • Raw Organic Material (Crop)                    62%
  • Processing                                                38% Approx.
  • Quality Control & Testing                          Included
  • Packing                                                     Included
  • Duty (when imported to US)                      34%
  • Freight & Forwarding Storage                   1.4% Approx.
  • Other (e.g. duty, tax, etc.)                          N/A


This unique Nutraceutical garlic has been selected for color, solids, alliinase content, and allicin yield. The finished product has to be selected for micro, Allicin, color, specks/defect compressibility and must meet <50 TPC as Nutraceutical garlic. (Garlic selected for spice or flavor applications is different and does not deliver the full marker compounds found in fresh garlic.  All of the compounds for Health can be measured by HPLC)

Current crop yields are projected to meet 85% of the global demand for Nutraceutical /Chinese garlic.

Global supply is not expected to grow in supply unless Spain, India or Mexico enters the market as a major supplier. China has taken away subsidies for Garlic and is now subsidizing other crops, such as corn and grain, to increase their food supply. Less garlic is being planted as a result.

Nutraceutical garlic is a specialty product. To our knowledge, there are no suppliers of Nutraceutical garlic who can generate a 100 % of global supply.

We are positioned to meet customers’ contracts and forecasting forward for 2 years.

We do not own our own farms. All material is contracted with manufacturers and their farmers.

China is coming off of a 2 year normal crop after 2 years of shortage due to abnormal demand for the consumption of raw garlic and two years of weather related issues. The global demand appears to be in balance for supply of Chinese garlic for flavor and dietary supplement use.

We do not know how much garlic is actually harvested – China and other countries do not publish this data.

China has an expanding middle class, and the consumption of these empowered buyers for fresh garlic has increased the cost and demand which has resulted in higher costs of the processing of raw garlic for several years.

There are trends in the labor markets in growing regions that will affect supply and the cost of growing, but this data is not available. Fewer people in China are being employed in agriculture. They do have automated harvesting, but it is not harvested at a fast enough rate to lower costs and ensure a consistent labor supply.

Demand and Market

There are major food companies that have a consistent and growing demand for garlic as a seasoning in their consumer products. There are more ready to eat meals being marketed and this has increased the demand for a natural seasoning vegetable, such as garlic.

We do not have a measureable significant global demand. The whole Nutraceutical industry use of garlic as a supplement is barely measureable on a global basis. It is only the strict specifications and higher profits to the growers and manufacturers that allows for the continued production.

In short production years, the raw material supply and cost goes up substantially even with contracts. Free market demand can cause the cost of processing garlic to increase. Short markets have doubled or tripled the cost of raw materials.

We gathered our information from various industry sources such as ASTA, IFT, Trade organizations and the market prices to customers.

What You Can Do

In order for us to better serve your garlic needs, we would request that you consider a 2 year forecast/commitment of volume so that we may secure and process the material at a reasonable price. The price may be fixed for the 2 years, however, if your company shops the market for Nutraceutical garlic, we will not be bound to the initial fixed price.

Final Thoughts/Conclusion

Nutra Products has developed a process and product patent for Garlic that activates like fresh garlic in the stomach – Garli-eze®. It delivers all of the actives with no enteric coating and no unpleasant side effects.  It is patented and clinically tested.

Garli-eze® garlic performs like all of the historical clinical trials for health benefits of garlic when garlic was consumed fresh.

Printer Friendly Version: 2015 Nutraceutical Garlic Crop Update

NewHope360 coverage: Nutra Products Unveils Expert Reviews at Expo West

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Nutra Products Unveils Independent Expert Clinical Reviews of Three Products

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Is Garlic Good For You? 7 Suprising Benefits of Garlic for Optimal Health

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Garlic Supplementation Can Completely Change Your Level Of Health In Cold Prevention

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